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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This will make you laugh

by Tara Seale

It is the last week of July. Summer is slipping away, so I am sharing three videos that make me laugh and also remind me so much of my students.

This first video is a dramatic reading of a break up letter. I wonder if I could get this guy to create dramatic readings of some my students' writings. There are a few swear words in the video, so I decided to just post a link and not embed the video: A Dramatic Reading of A Real Break Up Letter.

This second video is an older SNL skit in which Jerry Senfield is a history teacher. You will recognize some of the students in the classroom, and it is sure to make you chuckle. If you have trouble viewing the video below, you can also view it at this link: Jerry Senfield SNL Skit

This last video is a funny rap about Arlington, VA. Although it really has nothing to do with students, school, or classrooms, it could be used as a project in a classroom. I can just see a funny, parody rap video of Maycomb, AL. Students would really have to understand the setting and characters of To Kill a Mockingbird to create a video like the one below.

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